
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Coming Soon: 10/5/12

I haven't made it to the theaters this week.  I caught a cold and it's all I can do to stay conscious.  My head has been swimming.  But I did check out Freddie's Dead: The Final Nightmare.  If you haven't seen that, it's hilarious and has a small cameo by Rosanne and Tom Arnold.  Well worth seeing.  Let's see what will be out this week.

1) TAKEN 2: The man with a specific set of skills must now rescue his wife and himself.

The Good: If you liked Taken, here's more of the same.

The Bad: I hated Taken.

Final Thoughts: It's every action cliche with a premise that is way beyond the pail.  And if this was done more like Expendables, I'd be for it.  But it takes itself way too seriously so it's just not fun.  Avoid.

2) FRANKENWEENIE: Tim Burton's tounge in cheek animated movie about Mary Shelley's Frankenstein with a twist.

The Good: It's a wonderfully heartwarming story about a kid who loses his dog/best friend and brings him back to life.

The Bad: can't think of anything.

Final Thoughts: This is a loving tribute to monster movies done with enough originality to make this a very compelling movie.

3) PITCH PERFECT: A music lover goes to college and unwittingly joins a motley crew of talented singers.

The Good: There should be some good singing.

The Bad: It's competitive acapella singing.  How good a movie could it be?

Final Thoughts: I'm sure it'll be fun, but I'd still wait for it to be on DVD or something.

4) BUTTER: The story of an ambitious woman in the competitive world of butter sculpting.

The Good: An amazing cast with Jennifer Garner, Hugh Jackman, Rob Corddry, Olivia Wilde, and Alicia Silverstone

The Bad: It's butter sculpting.  At this point they are playing mad-libs to create plots.

Final Thoughts: It's a farcical comedy and I see it being very hit or miss.

See you at the movies

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