
Saturday, August 13, 2011

National Lampoon's Jumping the Shark

I don't get it.  Look.  I'm not a prude.  I can get behind low brow humor.  I grew up with the Three Stooges and Mel Brooks much like many of you have.  Some of my favorite comedies are Mel Brooks movies.  I've made it my goal to get as many of his movies on DVD as I possibly can.  I love Blazing Saddles and History of the World part I.  And of course my favorite comedy of all is Young Frankenstein.  I'm not above sexual or perverse humor.  But even I have my limits.

I'd have to say I knew I was getting too old for this type of movie was when American Pie and There's Something About Mary came out.  I didn't get the joke.  Seriously.  I just didn't get it.  I hear you now, "what's there to get?  American Pie has a guy so desperate for sex he has sex with baked goods and There's Something About Mary is about a woman so sexually attractive that she makes men do stupid things to have sex with her."  Yeah.  That's what I don't get!  If Jason Bigg's character wanted to have sex so badly he would put his penis in a pie, why not just pay for a prostitute?  Because that's less rediculous?  And I'm sorry, but I don't find the behavior of sexual predators endearing.  If I were Mary, I'd have a can of pepper spray on me at all times.  But like I said, I don't get it.

Not too long ago, I watched a movie called She's Out of My League with my Dad.  He loved it.  Me:  less so.  If the most memorable scene in the movie is Jay Baruchel cuming in his pants, I'll pass.  So, someone needs to explain this to me.  When did this manic glee become not only accepted, but the benchmark for all future comedies?

I bring up this topic because, as I usually do, I go out looking for movies to watch and review for my friends out there.  I heard they are going to make a Harold and Kumar Christmas movie.  I nearly choked on my own tongue.  But it did get me thinking about National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.  I LOVE  that movie!  And it also got me curious about what other "National Lampoon" movies are out there because I haven't seen or heard of many after the Vagas Vacation bomb.  And I now know why curiosity killed the cat.

Stop me when this movie starts to sound so stupid that it might collapse the sun.  I'll write this word for word from wikipedia because I still can't believe such an animal can exist.  A 2006 comedy film starring Paris Hilton, who also served as executive producer.  Right about here is where I thought I saw the sun collapse.  This is what scientists would call a singularity of stupid.  A movie so vapid that no sense of good taste or comedy can escape.  And this is what I mean.  It's sexual humor run amok, I don't find it appealing or funny, and I have no idea how it is any different from any other sexually based comedy that has come out in the last 10 years.

Many of you might be thinking I'm exagerating.  Surely this is as bad as it gets.  You can't condemn an entire genre based on this one movie.  Fair enough.  Lets run down the list.  Just for the sake of brevity I'll just name a few National Lampoon movies that will make the baby Jesus cry.  National Lampoon's Boobies, National Lampoon's Barely Legal, Dirty Movie, Dirty Movie 2, National Lampoon's Dorm Daze, and National Lampoon's Dorm Daze 2.  Can we please just start calling movies like this what they are?  It's porn people.  And you don't even get any good sex scenes so it's unfunny, boring, cock tease porn.

Is it just me?  Is it just that I don't get the joke?

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