
Friday, December 2, 2011

Movies I want to see: December

Oh December.  Where would we all be without the Christmas movies?  Lots of kids movies this month but there is plenty for all of us to get excited about.  Here is my list of movies coming out in December I'm really excited to go see.

1) Outrage: This movie looks awesome.  Yakusa action in a bloody feud.  Gotta love it.

2) Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy: Based on the book of the same name, it's spy vs spy action during the height of the cold war.  This movie has everything.  Disgraced spies, double agents, KGB, MI6... do you need more?  We have more.  Gary Oldman and Colin Firth.  Get in line now!

3) Knuckle: A great movie about bare knuckle fighting.  Sounds brutal.  Must see.

4) Sherlock Holmes, Game of Shadows: Did you even see how awesome the first movie was?  I have to see this.

5) The Adventures of Tintin: Everything about this movie looks beautiful.  A magical adventure with the animation style of the Polar Express.  A 3D movie out just in time for Christmas.

6) The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: If you liked the books, you should like the movie.  Daniel Craig in the lead role. The movie is insanely long however but I'm curious.

Here we go.  Have fun this holiday season. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

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