
Friday, December 30, 2011

War Horse Review: Lots of sentiment, and little else

I liked this movie but I didn't really care for it all that much.  It's a movie that just wants you to cry.  But it just tries way too hard to do it.  It's full of heart wrenching moments and after the first act, it just comes across as forced. 

It reminds me a lot of American Tale.  It's another story where the whole movie surrounds a great tragedy.  While American Tale was all about Fivel and his adventure home, War Horse was more about the people around him.  It was about the story of the people he touched.  It's a shame because the horse showed so much personality and he wasn't the major focus of the story.

The horse (I call him horse because he changes names several times) begins as a farm horse and is then sold to a British officer as his personal mount during World War I.  From there it's a story about how the horse went from one owner to the next. 

It's a decent movie.  It's Spielburg.  It's heavy on scenery and visuals to enhance the mood.  I just felt the acting was severely lacking and detracted from the whole experience.  It's pretty good but I just can't recommend it. 

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