
Monday, March 5, 2012

Coming Soon: 3/9/12

Sorry, not much in the way of wit coming.  These introductions can be difficult at times and I have a bunch on my mind lately.  But here's what is coming out this week:

1) John Carter: A man is caught up in a Martian war.

The Good: It looks like a good story about the reluctant hero from another planet.

The Bad: The CG effects look really bad and full of action scenes I generally don't like.

Final Thoughts: I'm willing to give this one a shot.  I don't have a whole lot of hope for it, but I'm willing to be proven wrong.  I might go see it.

2) A Thousand Words: A loudmouth is cursed.  He can only speak another 1000 words and then he'll die.

The Good: It's Eddie Murphy doing wacky movies again.  He was great in the Nutty Professor.

The Bad: If you don't know how this movie is going to play out, you've clearly not watched many of these.  Just watch Liar, Liar, The Nutty Professor, Yes Man, etc.

Final Thoughts: It's a waste of time.  It might be funny but I'm guessing a lot of the jokes are just the same tired material used in countless other unsuccessful movies.

3) Silent House: A woman is stuck in a lake house and things get scary.

The Good: It's an experiment in cinematography.  A truely scary movie where who knows what will happen.

The Bad: When experimenting with cinematography things could go really wrong, really quickly.

Final Thoughts: If you like stories about creepy houses, I think this one is going to be up there among the best.

4) Friends With Kids: Two friends decide to have a child together but date other people.

The Good: Unlike other comedies coming out this week (Thousand words *cough*) this is a comedy with something to say.  It's not just crazy stuff happening for the sake of crazy stuff happening.

The Bad: It's a message that might not hit home with the 18-35 crowd.

Final Thoughts: This is the comedy coming out this week you should be watching.

See you at the movies

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