Once again a huge nerd like me saw a comic book movie and now it's my time to talk about it on the internet. If I were to give this an honest opinion, I'd say it's not my favorite of the "Avengers" movies, but I liked it a lot more than I did the first Thor movie.
The plot is interesting enough. Thor has to stop the dark elves from erasing all reality. So far, you have my attention. This mystical energy "Ether" was fun to watch. It's a lot like the Cosmic Cube from the earlier movie and that actually ties into the stinger at the end. So, if you go to see this movie, stay through the credits to see the stinger scene.
Sometimes I wonder if Thor is just not my kind of character. On one hand, it gives us a great chance to see colorful characters in exotic locations that you just can't do with characters like Iron Man or Captain America. Thor is just as heroic as any other Marvel superhero if not more so. But there's just something about how Thor is portrayed that I just don't find intriguing. This movie was intriguing as we see Thor fight across the 9 realms. But at no time did I feel like Thor could lose. Perhaps that is my problem. I never feel like Thor isn't going to pull through.
It's kind of like watching Superman take on someone like Toyman. And that's I guess another problem I had with Malakith: he's not a well-developed character. We have our exposition dump at the beginning of the movie so we know why he wants to erase the universe. He feels the universe is a cancer upon the darkness that existed before the creation of the universe. The darkness was his kingdom and he wants it back. But in terms of characterization, that's all we get. He has no defining characteristics other than his single pursuit. He never interested me as much as Loki. But we do get lots of Loki in this movie.
The one character I thought we saw too much of was Dr. Erik Selvig played by Stellan Skarsgard. And when I say "we see too much of him" I'm not referring to his amount of screen time. Call me a prude all you want, but seeing a 60-year-old man naked as a jaybird wasn't on my bucket list. And we see it more than once.
The music is good, the action is good, the cinematography is good, the acting is good, it looks good... but for a movie dealing with the possible erasing of all existence, it wasn't as interesting as it should've been. Would I recommend it... yes. It's a pretty good movie. And it does what it sets out to do: it's a perfect lead into the next Avengers movie involving the Infinity Gems and the Infinity Gauntlet.
It's a good movie. Just don't have really high expectations.
Why did they make the Collector look like that?
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