
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Coming Soon: 2/15/13

I'm so sorry I just haven't seen many movies so far this year.  And it might be a little while longer.  I just injured my eye.  It's nothing serious but it hurts to look at any kind of screen for too long.  Luckily there isn't anything too interesting for a while.  I hope you understand I need a little time to heal.  But here's what is coming out this week.

1) A GOOD DAY TO DIE HARD: John McClane travels to Moscow with his son and things go awry.

The Good: It's always nice to see Bruce Willis playing John McClane.

The Bad: This is a franchise that has long since worn out it's welcome. 

Final Thoughts: I absolutely love the first Die Hard movie.  The third is pretty good too.  But the second and the fourth are just tedious.  I've seen them all and I'm probably destined to see this one as well.

2) BEAUTIFUL CREATURES: A romance story with a supernatural twist.

The Good: It's an escapist romance story.

The Bad: How is this any different than Twilight?

Final Thoughts: I have absolutely no interest in this movie.  Even with Jeremy Irons in it.

3) SAFE HAVEN: The story of a woman struggling to fit in her new town and find love again.

The Good: Might be good for a Valentine's Day date.

The Bad: A questionable cast and a cliche love story.

Final Thoughts: Thanks but no thanks.

4) ESCAPE FROM PLANET EARTH: An alien hero comes to Earth and is captured by the US Government.

The Good: A great cast of comedians and some funny scenes.

The Bad: Movies like these are becoming a dime a dozen.

Final Thoughts: A good movie for the kids and might get some chuckles out of adults as well.

See you at the movies.

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