
Monday, November 3, 2014

Nightcrawler Review: Yellow Journalism at is Yellowist

I have a lot of respect for Jake Gyllenhaal.  I can't spell his last name, but he's a great actor.  It's so rare he plays in cash grab movies.  I know he did Prince of Persia and Day After Tomorrow but still... My point being I really like his acting and I really liked this movie.

I'm a little at a loss for how to describe the movie because it's one of those movies where if I say anything about it, it could detract from the movie.  I'll try to be vague.  Louis Bloom (Gyllenhaal) is a hustler looking for a career.  One day he happens to see a horrible accident and meets Joe Loder (Bill Paxton) who is a freelance videographer, or "nightcrawler" who makes his living filming accidents and such to sell to local news outlets.  Feeling inspired, Louis decides this could be his calling.

That's all I can say about it without giving away integral parts of the movie. 

The movie is awesome.  The film work is great, there are some strong performances by Gyllenhaal and veterans Bill Paxton and Rene Russo. 

Movies like this are frustrating because I just can't talk about it.  It gives too much away.  And I'm dying to talk about it with someone.  There are some great themes and characterizations that should be discussed.

This is a movie worthy of your time and money.

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